Best Cell Phone Plans in Canada for Working Holiday Visa Holders

Planning to travel to Canada on a working holiday?
If you've already applied for and been accepted into the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, congratulations (and make sure you have the right IEC insurance)! It's the start of an exciting adventure in a vibrant and diverse country.
While you're in Canada, you'll most likely need a mobile phone (also called a cell phone). You might bring your current phone with you or purchase one after you arrive.
Finding the best cell phone plans in Canada is important for several reasons, including:
- Making phone calls and sending text messages to friends and family from home
- Communicating with your employer while in Canada, as well as the friends you make along the way
- Accessing the internet for things like mobile banking, email, and much more
- Keeping costs low as you address all of these needs
Let's take a look at some of the best Canada cell phone plans, featuring options that support IEC visa holders.
A Few of the Best Cell Phone Plans for Travel to Canada
First, here's a little context on the state of cell phone plans in Canada. As Moving 2 Canada points out, there are three major players in the Canadian cell phone provider market: Rogers, Bell, and Telus.
These providers supply the vast majority of Canadian cell phone plans and operate the networks that provide coverage. These companies also own and operate many sub-brands that are targeted toward specific types of customers.
Freedom Mobile is the fourth major company. It has its own network and a competitive slice of the market, which is mostly limited to densely populated areas in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario.
The nature of the market means the cost of a mobile phone plan is often higher in Canada than what visitors on IEC visas are used to. Make sure you look at costs before your trip and budget accordingly.
With that helpful context in mind, here are our recommendations for a few of Canada's best cell phone plans for IEC visa holders.
Least Expensive Cell Phone Plans in Canada
Canada for Newbies offers an in-depth discussion of cell phone plans in Canada, along with several recommendations for cell phone plans. When it comes to the lowest cost (with service that's still acceptable, i.e. at least 3G speed), these four providers offer similar plans:
- Public Mobile
- Chatr Mobile
- Lucky Mobile
- Cityfone
Best Cell Phone Data Plan in Canada
Cell phone and internet provider comparison site WhistleOut highlights the Telus Unlimited Plan as the best unlimited plan in Canada. You get 100 GB of data at 5G speeds each month and unlimited data at a lower speed after for $95 ($85 with an existing phone).
While it offers unlimited talk and text domestically, international long-distance calls come at an additional cost. If you're comfortable using other services to talk to your friends and family back home, though, this can be the right choice if you use a lot of monthly data.
Be Fully Prepared with IEC Insurance
With some guidance on finding a phone in hand, make sure you have IEC insurance for your trip as well: Get a quote today!