COVID Only Travel Insurance

Lowest Cost Canadian Option for COVID Only Travel Insurance Coverage

COVID-19 cell structure

December 31, 2021 - This is the COVID booster for your existing travel insurance policy. Sorry for that attempt at humour, but with the Canadian government recently flip-flopping on whether there should be a level three travel advisory or not, a lot of travellers who have already left Canada are stuck without coverage for COVID-19 related illness expenses because of the insurance provider that they chose to use this year (or the insurance offered by their group association plan or credit card) has notified them that they will not be covered for COVID-related medical expenses even though they'll still be covered for injury and illness expenses. So, at great expense, they either:

  • return home; or
  • stay on vacation without any coverage for covid; or
  • buy an entirely new policy to cover them for just for covid, paying full cost (medical questionnaire required).

None of these options seemed that great to us here at BestQuote, so we asked one of our insurance providers to simplify their 'no-preexisting medical conditions plan', and offer a true “COVID Only” travel insurance plan that provides basic coverage for medical expenses related to covid (maximum $2 million coverage), as well as up to $2500 quarantine expenses when required to quarantine due to a positive test. We negotiated the lowest rates we could (about 60% of the cost of the only other provider that offers similar 'Covid Only' coverage). We'll call them 'Plan A'. You can call BestQuote (1-888-888-0510), 'Plan B'. Here, is a good case of why you have often heard it said, “Always have a plan B”.

BestQuote Travel Insurance Agency is a travel insurance specialist which founded its unique price comparison website more than ten years ago, representing the widest selection of Canadian travel insurance policies to choose from. In 2018, we became approved as a Lloyd's Cover holder. We are recognized in the industry as a productive broker that knows how to help people, and we have proved this again.

Do you need a booster for your existing travel insurance plan? We have it. Simply get a quote on our quote engine, input the travel dates and date(s) of birth, and look for the plan that says 'Covid-only' travel plan. You buy this when you already have other coverage for accidental injury or sudden illness in place, but THAT coverage excludes covid coverage.

Of course, we do have all the other types of 'normal' travel insurance to pick from too. And, with travel insurance being a bit more complicated these days due to changing rules around COVID, it's really a good time to discover the value of working with a travel insurance specialist. Just read our reviews. We really are here to help you get solid coverage at a good rate.

Are you looking for solid coverage, have a more complicated medical history and need some help combing through the various options out there? Require a policy that comes with a shorter stability period? Have COPD, diabetes, heart, or stroke history in your medical background? Use our experience, and let us be 'your guide to worry-free travel insurance'. Simply get a quote on our quote engine, and complete the 'Medical Screening Questionnaire' at the top of the quote. We'll review your information, drop everything we are doing and look through the different medical questionnaires that each company uses to find you the best coverage we can. Please do respect the fact that this'll take us more than just a few minutes, and wait for our personalized recommendations to be sent by email later that day.

Maybe, we do that next year? Right now, you are probably reading this because you were trying to solve the problem that you are facing anew - your current provider has pulled the rug out from under your coverage, asking you to go without coverage for COVID, or to buy an entirely different expensive plan. So? You need a COVID booster. Get a quote, and click on the summary information to find most of the details on that (instant) quote presentation. You were looking for the best solution? You found us.

All kidding aside about getting a COVID (travel insurance) booster (this pandemic has been stressful for everyone, so humour is supposed to help), we really are a good group of people to rely on for help (each year!). We know that the current travel situation isn't easy, and we do hope everyone has a safe and successful trip in 2022 and/or beyond.


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