3 Snowbird Travel Insurance Tips for Visitors to Canada

Planning to head to Canada during the winter?
While snowbirds more commonly flock to warmer climates, Canada has plenty to offer in wintertime. Skiing, snow sports, culture, food, shopping, natural beauty and much more are widely available, even during the winter months.
With that in mind, it shouldn’t be surprising to hear that Canada had more than 1 million international visitors in January 2023. Popular reverse snowbird destinations range from the resort town of Banff to Niagara Falls and even chilly Quebec City, where the weather doesn’t stop old-world charm from shining through.
If you’re this rarer type of Canadian snowbird — heading north to enjoy all the winter fun Canada has to offer — you need to consider snowbird travel insurance. Let’s look at a few practical tips for finding the very best coverage to keep you protected during your visit.
1. Canada’s Universal Healthcare Doesn’t Include Non-Resident Visitors
Canada’s healthcare system is intended for citizens and permanent residents. It doesn’t extend coverage to visitors to Canada. The Government of Canada makes it clear: “Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. You should get health insurance to cover any medical costs before you come to Canada.”
Finding the right travel insurance plan helps you stay protected during your time in Canada. The last thing anyone wants to deal with while on a trip is the full cost of bills from a medical emergency.
2. You Can Often Find Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions
Not all travel insurance plans cover pre-existing conditions. However, some policies do offer coverage for sudden medical issues related to stable pre-existing conditions. Additionally, some policies only cover expenses related to some illnesses related to pre-existing conditions.
There are options available, and they work for many visitors to Canada. However, policies that cover pre-existing conditions will still exclude certain medical issues. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes aren’t included in plans that exclusively cover medical expenses tied to pre-existing conditions, for example.
Your best bet for finding relevant and effective insurance coverage is to work with an experienced professional. The team at Best Quote Travel Insurance can help you find the best possible fit for your needs.
3. Shopping Around Helps You Save on Snowbird Travel Insurance Costs
It’s easy to find one insurance provider and sign up for a policy that seems relevant to your needs. However, it’s not a very cost-conscious approach.
Additionally, picking the first policy you come across may not actually provide effective coverage. Insurance policies can be very complex and technical when it comes down to the details.
This is another key reason to work with a knowledgeable and experienced insurance agent. They understand the similarities and differences between policies, which means they can find the most effective coverage for your needs. That can lead to more complete and relevant protection, as well as a better price.
Learn more about travel medical insurance for snowbirds visiting Canada!