RSA Visitors Insurance
RSA (Royal Sun Alliance) Travel Insurance
Royal Sun Alliance has a long history in the travel insurance industry, and is one of the more reputable firms to deal with.
- We have had a number of favorable customer comments about their experience in dealing with claims issues after having purchased from RSA.
- In terms of administration (dates changes, cancellations and partial refunds), RSA is easy to deal with and most all customer requests are accomodated quite easily.
- Coverage for expenses related to pre-existing medical conditions includes a stability period of only 120 days (most other companies require 180).
- High benefit limits for dental and funeral, and includes air $25,000 air flight accident benefit.
- Earlier in 2014, RSA adjusted their insurance rates upwards, citing higher health care costs. This has caused their visitors to Canada insurance rates to be above the rest of the market.
- Admin fee for partial refunds is $25.
- No coverage for follow-up visits, out-of-pocket expenses, transportation of family members or accidental death.